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Community Works Manitoba Inc. is a not-for-profit community development and training organization based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. 


Over the past 30 years we have worked with program administrators, front line staff and community volunteers in First Nation communities and urban social service agencies to develop and deliver a wide range of economic and healing and wellness initiatives.  


Whether the focus is on economic or social challenges, we always begin by inviting participants to share stories from their own lives and from the lives of their ancestors. We believe that it is our own stories that hold the wisdom we need to create safer, more just, and healthier futures. 


Community Works envisions a society in which individuals, families, and communities apply their stories, wisdom, and strengths to address critical challenges and to help build safer, more just, and healthier futures.


We create spaces for addressing challenges and celebrating accomplishments through sharing stories and diverse perspectives. Our workshops provide individuals and groups with tools to imagine new possibilities and engage in individual and collective change.


Helping Children through
Grief and Loss
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​February 19 -20, 2025

9:00am – 4:00pm​

Mediation Services

1200 Portage Ave, Room 302

Winnipeg, MB

This 2-day workshop blends Western and Indigenous teachings and healing practices with reflections on participants’ own experiences. The emphasis is on personal stories, trust exercises and art making to shine a light on cultural wisdom and traditions that help children and youth heal.
For registration fees*, cancellation policy and payment options click the Register button below.
*Lunches and snacks included in fees.



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Who are the storytellers

in your community?


Community Works would love to partner with your organization on a multi-media storytelling project. Winnipeg Foundation is inviting applications for a Community Grant with a deadline of March 21, 2025. Other grants are available. Because it takes time to work together to develop a project proposal, we'd love to hear from you as soon as possible.

For organizations outside of Winnipeg we can help you find alternative sources of funding.



Possible themes include stories of:  Home & Community, Culture & Identity, Our Connection to the Earth, Let Justice Roll, Gender & Identity, Our Healing Journey, We Are All Treaty People, … or any theme that matters to your community.


Community Works would be pleased to visit your organization and deliver a presentation on our transformative approach to story work.


Thanks so much to everyone who made it out on a cold evening to Winnipeg’s Cinematheque Theatre  on Jan. 13th for a screening/forum on first person digital stories by members of Winnipeg’s diverse cultural community.

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Panelists Frances Ravinsky (L) and digital storytellers Hilda Mann, Guillermo Vodniza, Dawn Rolke, Amna Burki & Nilufer Rahman

"At first, I wasn’t sure what to expect ... It turns out the experience ended up being completely touching—sometimes painful, but at the same time warm and beautiful. The fact that every production emerged from a series of workshops accessible to individuals with all levels of experience in video making was just powerful…..It inspired me to keep exploring the internal world that everyone carries and to listen to what everyone has to say." - A.U., audience member

Thank you!   This event was made possible through funding from ASSINIBOINE CREDIT UNION.

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Helping Children through Grief and Loss​
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In November Community Works led a 2-day workshop called "Helping Children Through Grief and Loss", one that we hadn't offered for some time. It was a pleasure to have participants from Mishkosiminiziibiing Anishinaabeg (Big Grassy First Nation) in northwest Ontario, and Opaskwayak Cree Nation and Garden Hill First Nation in Manitoba in the workshop. We're grateful to Mediation Services (Winnipeg) who provided meeting space and kitchen facilities.

"We are story. All of us. What comes to matter then is the creation of the best possible story we can while we’re here; you, me, us, together. When we can do that and we take the time to share those stories with each other, we get bigger inside, we see each other, we recognize our kinship – we change the world, one story at a time…”

- Richard Wagamese

Copyright 2021 Community Works Manitoba Inc.
T: 204-255-1131;  C: 204-881-6177

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